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Weight loss methods for different groups of people

Weight loss methods for different groups of people

The topic of losing weight seems to be very popular all the time. Both men, women and children have the need to lose weight, and everyone wants to have a good figure. Therefore, various methods of losing weight are constantly emerging, some of which are unhealthy, unscientific and even extreme. Now everyone loses weight more for health, so more and more people are looking for healthy and effective methods to lose weight.But not everyone needs to lose weight. Losing weight blindly will damage health. So who needs to lose weight? What are the people who are forbidden to lose weight? What are the methods and precautions for different people to lose weight? Let's take a look together.

Who needs to lose weight?

Who needs to lose weight? Generally speaking, overweight or obese patients need to lose weight. Generally, we use body mass index to measure the degree of obesity. Body mass index (BMI) is normal at 18.5 to 23.9, overweight at 24 to 27.9, and obese at or above 28. The calculation method of body mass index is:body mass index (BMI)= weight (kg)/height (m) squared. People with just the right weight don't need to lose weight, and excessive weight loss may be harmful to health. And people who are not suitable for overwork and pregnant women can't lose weight. If students, busy people and the elderly really want to lose weight, they need to arrange a reasonable weight loss plan.

Men's weight loss method

Abdominal massage to lose weight: First, use the wave-like pushing method to move from the upper abdomen to the lower abdomen for 3 to 4 times, and then press the upper, middle and lower parts of the abdomen with three fingers in turn, and press each part for 2 to 3 times. But in this case, it is best not to operate after meals or when you are particularly hungry. After a month of massage for chronic diseases, rest for a few days before massage. When massaging, it is advisable to have a pulse and comfort under your hands.

Finger pressing method of lower abdomen fat: the abdomen is the most important part of the average person's fat accumulation, and it is most obvious for men to accumulate above the navel. If finger pressing the abdomen, it needs a little force to make the palm fully bend and press vertically for about 15 seconds; If you press the side abdomen, you must put your palms on the left and right abdomen respectively while fully bending, and press them slowly for about 15 seconds with a little force in the horizontal direction, so that the effect is best.

Moxibustion method: Obese people lie on their backs, with their families standing beside them, and apply vaseline or cooking oil on the slimming body to increase the therapeutic effect of manipulation. Massage the abdomen with palm and palm root for 2-3 minutes, and then massage the abdomen clockwise from ascending colon, transverse colon, transverse colon, descending colon and sigmoid colon for about 3-4 minutes. The massage method is mainly diarrhea (diarrhea method: the kneaded person presses it when inhaling and lifts it when exhaling). It can also be used to tonify and relieve diarrhea ("flatting and relieving diarrhea" refers to the reinforcing and reducing manipulation with light manipulation and less stimulation).

Exercise to lose weight: scientific exercise is not only conducive to losing weight, but also conducive to shaping the body; Such as squat, aerobic exercise, Kegel exercise, cycling, bench press (bench lift), push-ups, volleyball, etc. can all bring visible changes to the body while losing weight.

Women exercise to lose weight

Playing badminton: Playing badminton is very suitable for women's fitness. Playing badminton can exercise arms, calves and thighs, which can effectively exercise the body. Swinging the ball can pull the whole body and shape the body, making women's bodies more flexible. In addition, it can also train the coordination of hands and feet, so that people can better use their concentration to participate in study and work.

Swimming: Swimming is a kind of whole-body exercise, which can effectively enhance the functions of myocardium and lungs, enhance physical STRENGTH and immunity, and shape beautiful curves for women. Swimming is protected by water, which causes less damage to bones and joints.

Yoga: Yoga is characterized by exercising all muscles and joints of the whole body through gentle movements: abdominal muscles, buttocks, back, legs and arms, which can mobilize deep muscles. Stretching movements can correct human posture, STRENGTHen flexibility and make the body more symmetrical. If you want to shape quickly, it is recommended to choose dynamic yoga, which can mobilize more muscles, burn more calories and accelerate the process of losing weight and shaping.

Running: For women, running can reduce the incidence of breast cancer and other cancers. If you keep running for 30 minutes every day, you can not only keep fit, but also lose weight. However, what sports need is persistence, and only by persistence can you see unexpected results.

Skipping rope: Skipping rope should last at least 30 minutes, because less than 30 minutes can't achieve the purpose of burning fat at all, and the longest time should not exceed 2 hours, because overtraining for more than 2 hours will make the body extremely tired. Skipping rope should not be less than 4 times a week, but not more than 6 times. Just keep exercising for 40 minutes each time.

Weight loss methods for middle-aged and elderly people

Eat more fruits and vegetables: with the increase of age, the body tissue shrinks and the metabolic rate decreases, so the middle-aged and elderly people consume much less calories than young people. If you still keep the amount of food you eat when you are young, it will inevitably lead to excessive calories. Not only can you not lose weight, but you will continue to gain weight. Eat less foods with high calories such as fat and sugar.

Supplement protein: The catabolism of middle-aged and elderly people is strengthened, and the digestion and utilization rate of protein is decreased, so it is necessary to supplement enough high-quality protein to meet the needs of the body. You should eat more protein-rich foods such as lean meat, bean products, milk and eggs.

Control salt: Eating too much salt can easily lead to hypertension, stroke and cardiovascular diseases in middle-aged and elderly people, so it is necessary to eat as little salt as possible. It is generally believed that the daily intake of salt by middle-aged and elderly people should be within 5 grams; Patients with hypertension and coronary heart disease should be controlled below 3 grams.

Reduce fat intake: Middle-aged and elderly people should reduce the amount of fat in their diet, especially animal fat, and it is best to replace it with vegetable fat. Excessive fat intake can easily lead to cardiovascular diseases and seriously affect the health of middle-aged and elderly people.

Increase calcium intake: if middle-aged and elderly people lack calcium, their bones will become soft and brittle, and even a small collision will cause danger. Therefore, calcium supplementation is a problem faced by many middle-aged and elderly people. They should eat more foods rich in calcium, such as bone soup, and take occupational calcium tablets or active calcium orally when necessary.

Weight loss exercise: Middle-aged and elderly people lose weight. Before exercise, they should have a comprehensive physical examination and choose exercise programs according to their physical conditions. Avoid excessive exercise. Don't lean forward, lean back or rotate rapidly, and it is not suitable for fast, strenuous or heavy-duty exercise. Suitable sports mainly include jogging, brisk walking, swimming or Tai Ji Chuan, etc. It is not suitable for sports with high intensity, high speed or fierce competition.

Children's weight loss methods

Control of food intake: Obese children are all caused by parents' failure to control their children's food intake. Parents are always worried that their children will eat less and eat more and supplement more nutrition, resulting in eating too much and accumulating a lot of fat.

Reduce snacks: Some children eat less staple food, but eat more snacks. You know, the calories of snacks are generally much higher. After children eat them, the calories cannot be consumed. Naturally, it is the accumulation of fat.

Increase exercise: Children play by nature, but parents control their children's playing time, so that the calories of the food they eat cannot be dissipated, which will cause fat accumulation. Parents are advised to let their children go out to play in a non-learning state.

Improve sleep: the quality of children's sleep also needs parents' attention, especially when children are under great learning pressure. Irregular sleep will also cause children's obesity.

Teenagers lose weight methods

The prevention of adolescent obesity is mainly based on diet and exercise, and scientific diet and reasonable exercise are important.

Diet control: Teenagers need to control their diet, eat less snacks, eat more fruits and vegetables, have a balanced nutrition, eat just breakfast, have a full lunch, and eat less dinner. It is best not to eat cream, sugar, fried food, fat meat, skin and snacks. Note that diet control does not mean dieting.

Proper exercise: Doing more physical exercise is also one of the important ways to help teenagers lose weight. You can skip rope and kick shuttlecock during class, jog, play ball and do aerobics in physical education class, and go out to climb mountains and ride bicycles during holidays.

Ways to lose weight for office workers

Before going to work: Go to bed early and get up early to help your body burn fat. Nutrition experts suggest that breakfast is the source of vitality for a day, and you must eat breakfast well to have the energy to do a good job of slimming for a day. A low-fat nutritious breakfast is actually very easy to make, as long as you master the principle of "two staple foods, two milk eggs, vegetables and fruits as much as possible".

In the company: don't take the elevator when entering the office. Walking a few more floors can also enhance the cardiopulmonary function, exercise the leg muscles and modify the leg shape; Although the location of the office is not large, if you can make good use of some props and occasionally press each slimming acupoint, it can also help you lose weight; Take advantage of some opportunities to leave your seat for a while, such as photocopying or sending and receiving faxes, to walk around more; You can also exercise in your seat, stretching and turning your head.

After work: Evening is also a good time for exercise, which can make up for the lack of exercise during the day, such as taking a 40-minute walk after dinner, going out to walk your pet, or doing a treadmill while watching TV. Exercise for 10 minutes before going to bed, such as practicing yoga or body softening exercises, can not only achieve a good slimming effect, but also be a good way to relax. The other thing is to go to bed on time.

At home: When going to supermarkets and shopping malls, you'd better choose to walk instead of hitchhiking. And when walking, don't forget to hold your head up, hold your chest out, tuck in your abdomen, lift your hips, stride and swing your arms to consume fat. When doing housework, you can be creative and incorporate the movements you see in the gym or magazines into your housework. For example, you can swing your legs while cleaning the table, and you can stand on tiptoe to exercise your leg muscles when washing your wrists.

Housewives' methods of losing weight

Go out and walk more: You can go out and walk more when you are free at home. Walking more can promote your body's metabolism and burn your body's fat when you are walking, which can effectively help your body lose weight.

Eat three meals on time: you must eat three meals a day on time. Eating on time can promote intestinal absorption and let the body digest food at the best digestion time, but you can't eat more. Eating more is easy to cause indigestion.

Keep a good sleep: don't go to sleep during the day, so the body's biological clock will be disordered. Of course, you can take a nap at noon (about an hour's nap time can help beauty), and it is best to start sleeping at around 10:30 at night, so good sleep can help the body to carry out the best repair and detoxification effect and easily help lose weight.

Drink plenty of water if you have nothing to do: In fact, the problem of drinking water is often mentioned, because drinking water is really important to lose weight, which can not only improve the metabolic cycle of the body, but also help the body to detoxify and lose weight easily and effectively. And drinking more water is also good for the skin.

Regular physical examination: As a woman, it is necessary to have a regular physical examination. Many physical problems will not appear until a long time later. When you are free, you should have more physical examination and do more physical maintenance and health preservation. It is said that women are the easiest to suffer from palace cold and accumulate toxins, which will lead to obesity. Therefore, doing more physical maintenance is responsible for yourself and can also help the body lose weight.

Postpartum weight loss method

Key points of postpartum weight loss

1. Control calories and fat. Pay attention to the calories of each food and reduce the intake of high-calorie foods. Eat less fat in your daily diet and eat more fish and white meat (chicken).

2, the diet should be light. A light diet is good for women. Eat less salty food with soy sauce. This kind of food contains a lot of sugar or salt, which will not only increase the body fat, but also be detrimental to the recovery of postpartum wounds.

3. Eat more vegetables and fruits. Vegetables and fruits are not only rich in nutrition, but also help mothers lose weight. Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables rich in cellulose after delivery is helpful to promote intestinal digestion, relieve constipation and moisturize skin.

4. Eat regularly. It's best to eat regularly and quantitatively every day. Don't wolf down when eating. You should chew slowly and keep the time for each meal at least 20 minutes.

5. Negative heat balance. The secret of losing weight is that the calorie intake must be less than the human consumption.

6. Losing weight requires a high degree of willpower. Willpower directly determines the final result of losing weight, and mothers must be firm in their confidence in losing weight.

Postpartum weight loss principle

1, eat on time, a balanced diet: three meals should be on time and ensure the quality, do not neglect to slack off any meal in order to lose weight. Eat a balanced diet. Many mothers don't eat meat in order to lose weight, which is not correct. In addition, you can't eat for 2 hours before going to bed.

2. Reduce the frequency of eating out: The food in restaurants or restaurants is carefully made to satisfy customers' taste buds, and the taste is relatively heavy. It is difficult to control the amount of food when eating out. Therefore, moms who lose weight try to eat at home and take care of their stomachs.

3, eat less fried foods, sweets and carbonated drinks: fried foods and sweets are generally high in calories, which is a taboo for dieters. Carbonated drinks are also high-calorie foods, so moms should drink as little as possible.

Postpartum exercise

1. Lose weight by "walking slowly", 1-2 times a day, and take 2000-3000 steps each time. Gradually increase the amount of tasks, increase the speed by shortening the time, or increase the walking distance. Slowly go to "fast walking", because "fast walking" is the best exercise to lose weight, and pay attention to it every day.

2. After mommy's physical fitness recovers, she can choose a sport she likes to start exercising and persevere. Not only can you ensure your health, but you can also keep a graceful figure.

3. Eating less and exercising more is the only magic weapon to lose weight. Remind moms not to use diet pills to lose weight quickly, which has great side effects and is not good for babies and themselves.

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