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How to use Roman chair

How to use Roman chair

Among the fitness equipment, there are many common devices, among which the Roman chair is relatively common, and the Roman chair is a good device. Of course, there are also many actions that need to use the Roman chair, such as lifting the legs with the Roman chair. I believe many people don't know which part to practice with the Roman chair. So, which part of the Roman chair is practiced?

What part of the Roman chair is practiced?

1. Lumbar and abdominal muscles
In the process of using Roman chairs, the action we often do is the goat standing up. Then when doing this action, because our waist will have a folding effect, our body needs the help of waist STRENGTH in the process of leaning down, so that our body can ensure that it can do a good job, especially when we get up, and we need the help of waist and abdominal muscles to get up. So this action is a very good action that can exercise our waist and abdomen.

2. Leg muscles
When using the Roman chair to do movements, it is also a very good instrument to exercise our leg muscles. First of all, when we do the goat push-up, we need to lean against the Roman chair so that our legs can be close to the Roman chair. At the beginning of the action, our body leans down, the lower the better, and at this time we can obviously feel the feeling that our legs are stretched, which means that it has played a good leg training effect.

3. Hips
Another biggest exercise part of using Roman chairs is our hips. When we use the Roman chair to complete the fitness movement, generally, our legs are fixed, and only our upper body is performing the movement. At this time, in the process of bending over, our upper body and legs are in an independent state, and there will be an upward hip-butting movement, so it is very effective for us to practice hip-butting, and we can complete several groups of movements at a time.

How to use Roman chair

1. Roman chair leaned over and rowed
This can be a variant of our rowing. With the help of the Roman chair, we can keep the stability of our lower back well, and we can have a better idea to focus on our back. This exercise can STRENGTHen the ability of the spine to maintain stability and neutrality (resist flexion and extension) under the influence of gravity, which is helpful to improve the core stability of rowing squat and hard pull, and reduce the risk of injury.

2. Roman chair leg lifts
This action can not only exercise our back, but also stimulate our hips and hamstring muscles. Remember to use the strength of your hips to lift your legs and straighten your body.

3. Roman chair lateral flexion
In view of our lateral abdominal muscles, we know that the action of exercising our lateral abdominal muscles is very few, and it happens that this action can exercise our oblique abdominal muscles very well. The Roman chair is adjusted to 45 degrees, and the body bends downward, without too much tension on its waist and abdomen.

Step 4: Goats stand up
To do the goat stand-up action, you need to use the Roman chair first, so we often need to do it in the gym. Before the action begins, we lie prone on the Roman chair with our legs open, our legs straight, and we leave the Roman chair on our own. At the beginning of the formal action, our upper body presses down hard, and at this time, our hips slightly lift their hips. Until our bodies press down to the limit, we insist on this action for 15 seconds, and then slowly withdraw the action. Remember, our waist has a limited bearing capacity, so don't go beyond our bearing range, otherwise it is easy to get hurt.

What is the correct way to do push-ups in Roman chairs?

We do a waist exercise like Roman chair push-ups. First, we fix our bodies. In order to prevent our bodies from slipping in front when we are doing the movements, the back baffle is fixed at the upper end of the ankle joint, so we can fix our bodies stably when we lean down.

Then put it on the position of our thigh with the baffle in front of our body. If it is too low, it will affect the exertion of the whole strength. If it is too high, it will affect the range of exercise. Fix the baffle below and put the thigh on two pads, then bend down, and the whole spine, including the head, is slightly lower. Then straighten your body and fall down slowly before it is nearly completely straight.

Many people will take this action very seriously. If your back is healthy, then you know that a safe range you can do is ok, but it is often a very dangerous choice for many people, because waist exercises may be less than abdominal exercises in most cases, so if you can only complete ten exercises, then we will do ten exercises to straighten up, and muscles may feel tight after two or three times. After finishing, we can do an exercise to relax the waist and abdomen.

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