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How do women exercise

How do women exercise? Exercise mode suitable for women's exercise

What sports are suitable for women? Some women don't like strenuous sports, so  they can choose some simple and relaxing sports, such as jogging and cycling.  It can not only help burn fat to lose weight, but also promote the health of the body. Let's see what other sports methods are most suitable for women.


Benefits of running: By running three times a week, women can fight the risk of gaining weight. Insisting on physical exercise can help resist skin aging and  make skin look younger; For women, reducing the incidence of breast cancer and  other cancers has a great relationship with the number and intensity of exercise. Women who regularly participate in exercise, including running exercise, especially those who exercise for more than 4 hours a week,have a  lower incidence rate of 37% than those who sit at home and work for a long time.

Equipment selection: Runners' equipment is mostly the same: jacket, shorts, non-cotton socks and a pair of good running shoes. But women need an extra piece of equipment-sports bra, which, like running shoes, needs to be tried on before they know whether it suits them. Others, such as wide-brimmed sun hats, lip gloss, anti-friction paste, socks, gloves, headband, etc., are purchased as needed.

Correct posture: Keep your head and shoulders stable. Keep your head straight ahead and your chin slightly retracted, but don't bow your head. When running, relax your shoulders first, then shrug as much as possible, stop for a while,restore your original posture and repeat; Hold your hands slightly, bend your arms at about 90 degrees and swing back and forth naturally. Pay attention to the fact that the elbow should not be exposed in the forward arm and the hand should not be exposed in the backward arm; Drive the calf with the thigh, with the knee joint facing the toe, lift it to a reasonable height, then put it down and repeat; Relax your feet and don't tighten your toes. When your feet are raised to 10 cm from the ground, you can put them down and repeat.

Frequently asked questions: When running encounters a physiological period, if the body can bear it, don't avoid it. In fact, it's not that running during the physiological period will lead to dysmenorrhea. Jogging or brisk walking should be used during physiological period, instead of running at the normal speed. Jogging or brisk walking is helpful to activate blood gas, accelerate blood flow in blood vessels and promote blood circulation.


Benefits of yoga: it can accelerate metabolism, remove waste in the body,repair the body and recuperate beauty from the inside out; Can bring you elegant temperament, light posture, improve people's internal and external temperament; It can enhance physical STRENGTH and elasticity, develop your limbs in a balanced way, and make you more and more cheerful, energetic and  happy. Can prevent and treat various physical and mental related diseases; It can regulate the physical and mental system, improve the blood environment, promote endocrine balance, and be full of energy internally.

Venue equipment: Yoga Hall is a professional place for learning and practicing Indian yoga. Generally speaking, there are complete facilities,comprehensive teaching projects, professional coaches for teaching guidance and a quiet and good atmosphere. Yoga ball is a kind of ball sports tool that cooperates with sports and fitness. It is mostly made of soft PVC material. The movement arrangement of yoga ball is aimed at the main parts such as abdomen,back and waist.

Not suitable for people: blood coagulation disease, osteoporosis,spondylolisthesis, disc herniation, poor health, full stomach,mood swings.

Note: As a practitioner, you should always follow the natural laws in yoga practice step by step and not compare with others. Many people always think that practicing yoga requires good flexibility at the beginning of practice. When they see that other practitioners or coaches around them can do more stretching or more difficult movements than themselves, they will be eager to do that, which will often hurt their joints and muscles because of anxiety, and the practice effect will be counterproductive.


Benefits of swimming: Swimming can exercise the whole body muscles in a comprehensive and balanced way. In order to overcome the resistance of water, people need to consume a certain amount of heat, which can gradually reduce excess fat and effectively exercise the muscles of the chest, back and limbs.Swimming can be called a kind of water aerobics, which can keep people fit.

Swimming frequency: If you want to swim for fitness, it is more appropriate to go about 3 times a week. Such a frequency, as a fitness, is more effective. If you go every day, after swimming, you must do a good job in skin care and hair maintenance, otherwise swimming for too long will damage your skin and make your hair worse.

Swimming time: when swimming, you should control the swimming time. The swimming time should be controlled at one and a half hours to two hours. If you stay in water for a long time, it will cause blue skin, black lips, "goose bumps" on your body, and even convulsions.

Caution: Do not directly touch public chairs and stools. The changing rooms of public swimming pools are usually relatively simple, and stools, toilets and lockers are common. Although the swimming pools are cleaned regularly, it is difficult to ensure that there are no bacterial residues. Therefore, when changing clothes, women should try not to let their skin directly touch the stool. If they have to sit down, they should also put on clean towels. The changed clothes should be packed in clean bags, especially underwear, which is best wrapped in a coat or separately packed.

rope skipping

Benefits of skipping rope: the exercise of skipping rope is relatively large, and the intensity of skipping rope for 10 minutes is similar to that of jogging for 30 minutes. Girls can get rid of excess fat in their legs, hips, waist and arms by sticking to skipping rope, which can slim down the whole body, make girls' bodies lighter, enhance their flexibility and coordination, and improve their balance and bounce.

Disadvantages of skipping rope: skipping rope is a relatively large exercise,and girls will burden their hearts when skipping rope. Therefore, it is necessary to grasp the time and intensity of skipping rope and do what you can to avoid the situation that the heart is overburdened; It is easy to sprain if you don't warm up before exercise, so it is best for girls to warm up their wrists, ankles, shoulders and elbows before skipping rope to prevent sprain.

Skipping frequency: You can jump every day if you are not tired the next day.Theoretically, muscles need 48 hours' rest, so it's best to take a day off and practice. But skipping rope is generally to reduce fat and lose weight, or to STRENGTHen the heart and lungs, not to gain muscle, so girls can skip rope every day. But if you are tired, you can have a proper rest and don't have to force it.

Dress choice: when skipping rope, you should choose soft high-top flat shoes to avoid ankle injury. Wear sportswear or more comfortable clothes. Beginners can choose a soft rope when skipping rope, so as not to hurt themselves. The location of skipping rope should be chosen in the lawn or mud with moderate hardness to avoid joint damage and other symptoms. In addition, obese people and middle-aged and elderly women should choose to jump with their feet to avoid damaging their joints.


Benefits of aerobics: Female friends can not only improve their bad physical fitness and form a beautiful posture, but also show an elegant temperament and accomplishment in their daily life, thus bringing others a healthy and energetic feeling. At the same time, women's aerobics is also a kind of strength exercise, which can make up for the defects of congenital body shape, make female friends more symmetrical and fit, and also reduce the body fat and play a slimming effect.

Common types: in general, according to the purpose, it is divided into fitness aerobics and competitive aerobics; There are also women's aerobics and men's aerobics; According to the practice methods, it can be divided into unarmed aerobics and aerobics with light equipment or special equipment, such as bodybuilding ball exercises; According to the local training, there are also neck aerobics, abdominal aerobics and leg aerobics. The choice of these aerobics should be based on everyone's situation and their practice purpose.

Clothes collocation: Aerobics should choose elastic sportswear, and it is better to be unconstrained. Cotton clothing has strong sweat absorption and is suitable for sports. Some people like to wear plastic tights to exercise in order to lose weight. In fact, it is very limited to help them lose weight. Plastic tights can make people sweat a lot during exercise, but the weight they lose is easy to rebound. Therefore, it is very important to wear suitable clothes to do aerobics.

Note: The amount of exercise in aerobics should not be underestimated. Beginners should do it step by step, preferably 2-3 times a week, and then increase the number of times appropriately. At the beginning, you should take a step-by-step approach, not too intense, and exercise for about 20 minutes. Moreover, warm-up should be paid attention to before jumping aerobics, and proper stretching exercise should be carried out, especially stretching the lower limbs to avoid injury during exercise.


Benefits of dancing: Dancing can make people's body curves more beautiful, and the thigh muscles and arm muscles are also tighter. It is a good way to relieve emotions and an activity beneficial to physical and mental health. Dance stimulates muscles comprehensively and comprehensively. In addition, dance also has the effect of aerobic exercise, which enables practitioners to improve their lung function and achieve the goal of losing weight.

Dance choice: Dance is a great aerobic exercise, which can help us lose fat and fat and shape a beautiful figure. There are many kinds of dances, among which Latin dance, belly dance, ballet and street dance are popular. You can freely choose one or even several you like to practice.

Practice time: Generally, aerobic exercise needs at least half an hour to fully burn fat, so dance practice is no exception. We should arrange the training time according to our own schedule, but although we always emphasize that the training time should not be too short, we should try not to exceed two hours.

Note: Whether we choose to dance in the gym or practice at home, indoor air circulation is very important, because dancing is not suitable for outdoor practice, especially for aerobic exercise, only when we breathe more oxygen in our bodies can we burn fat more effectively. In addition, people who are weak,drunk, pregnant and physically ill should not dance.

ball games

Golf: It is a flexible sport, which can mainly exercise our waist and arms.Golf courses are generally outdoors with clear air and broad vision, which is a relaxing and calm exercise for both body and mind. Because it doesn't require much strength, but it requires high skills, it is very suitable for girls to practice. It is perfect to practice the coordination and flexibility of the body through golf.

Squash: It can be played by two people or one person. Unlike tennis, it is almost impossible to play without a partner. The rules of squash are similar to tennis. Before each person hits the ball, the ball can bounce off the ground  once or on the other wall once. In the game, two people hit the ball alternately, creating problems for each other until one side can't save the ball back. Never think that you can play squash just because you can play tennis. The difference between the two can be realized in practice.

Fitness ball: The shape is soft and elastic, so its exercise is safe and healthy, and it is not easy to sprain or have any great danger. It can be exercised all over the body, especially to improve our manners and flexibility,which is very good for girls. It can also exercise the muscles of the body to increase strength and balance, and its slimming effect is also very obvious.

Billiards: In fact, the amount of table tennis exercise is not large, but the slimming effect is particularly good. It requires not only our technical strength but also our mental thinking. It can not only exercise our bodies, but also develop our thinking ability. Because table tennis has to lean down and hold up the pole with hands, it has a good exercise for our waist and abdomen.Generally, girls who practice table tennis often can have an enviable waist.

Badminton: Badminton consumes a lot, especially in singles, it usually takes half an hour to sweat. Because badminton consumes a lot, its slimming effect can be said to be immediate, but it is easy to fall and sprain because the ball needs to run quickly. Moreover, people who don't exercise for a long time will have a particularly painful arm the next day if they play at once, so they must do some warm-up exercises first when playing badminton.

deep squat

Benefits of Squat: Squat needs to be applied to the large muscle groups in many parts of the body, especially the weight-bearing squat, and almost all the bones of the whole body should participate in the support, so the strength of the muscles and bones of the whole body can be effectively enhanced during the whole exercise. Many fitness experts recommend women to practice squats to practice their hips. When doing squats, both gluteus maximus and waist muscles can be exercised. If you insist on squats for a long time, the curve of women's back is more obvious.

Disadvantages of Squat: Squat has been controversial for a long time, and there are different opinions about whether it will damage the knee, but it is certain that incorrect muscle movement will definitely damage the health of the knee when doing squat exercise. When we squat down to the lowest point, if the knee joint breaks off when relaxing muscles, our ligaments and cartilage may not be able to withstand their maximum tensile force, which will easily damage the knee.

Correct posture: first prepare for the posture, and the feet can be opened a little wider than the shoulders; When squatting, remember to start the hip joint first, keep the lower back tight and straight, the chest is forward, and the knees should be squatting in the direction of the toes; You can hang down your hands and stand up when you touch the ground. Remember to keep your back and ass tight all the time.

Note: Don't squat your knees over your toes to avoid the wear of your knees. It is suggested to squat about 50 times every two days, divided into three groups,one group is 15~20 times, and there can be a short rest between groups, but it is not advisable to rest for too long.


Benefits of skating: Skating can not only strengthen the balance, coordination and flexibility of the human body, but also enhance the cardiopulmonary function and improve the aerobic exercise ability. It can also effectively exercise the strength of lower limbs, which is very suitable for motorists.There is also a good weight loss effect.

Skill learning: When the right foot moves forward, the right foot slightly presses the outer edge, the left foot slightly presses the inner edge, the right foot slides out hard, the left foot pushes hard, and the center of gravity moves slightly to the right front. Then let the right foot slide for a while, and then change the left foot. The center of gravity is very important.

Equipment selection: helmet can prevent head collision and injury after falling; Whether you are a master or a novice, it is best to wear a knee protector; In the process of skating, many people fall on the ground with their hands, which is easy to scratch their palms, so they have to prepare gloves to protect themselves.

Precautions: when sliding, you should lean over, bend your legs, and put your center of gravity forward, so that if you slip, you will fall forward and not break your tailbone. The most common problem for beginners is to stand upright while sliding, causing the center of gravity to be unstable and fall to the coccyx. If this happens, hold the ground sideways with your hands to reduce the impact. At the same time avoid hitting your head on the ice.

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