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Guide to the use of gym equipment

Guide to the use of gym equipment

When you walk into the gym for the first time, you will inevitably be confused and helpless in the face of dazzling fitness equipment. Even with the guidance of the coach, when you walk out of the gym, you will probably be dizzy. In fact, gym equipment can be roughly divided into systemic equipment and local sports equipment.

Classification of fitness equipment

Aerobic fitness equipment in gym

Treadmill: You can experience different running environments on the treadmill, such as flat running, uphill running, hilly running and variable speed running.

Elliptical machine: It combines walking, climbing steps, cycling and skiing, and can exercise the coordination of upper and lower limbs.

Treadmill: Treadmill can make bodybuilders repeatedly climb stairs and fully exercise thigh and calf muscles.

Mountaineer: It can effectively help the body burn calories,and has a good shaping effect for thighs and buttocks.

Rowing machine: It can make the muscles of the whole body get good practice, but poor resistance adjustment can easily lead to muscle strain.

Spinning bike: it can effectively help the body burn calories; The pressure on the ankle is smaller than that on the treadmill, so it has higher safety.

Exercise bike: divided into vertical and horizontal, with relatively low exercise intensity, but higher safety, suitable for all ages.

Gymnasium STRENGTH fitness fixing equipment

Comprehensive trainer: also known as multifunctional trainer,it has the functions of chest expander, pull-ups, sit-ups and so on.

Sitting chest pusher: It can exercise pectoralis major, triceps brachii and deltoid toe, which is a way to improve physical fitness and muscle feeling.

Butterfly chest clamp: also known as butterfly flying bird, it is mainly used to exercise and depict the depth of the middle groove of pectoralis major, so that pectoralis major looks fuller.

High-pull back trainer: mainly exercises latissimus dorsi, trapezius, deltoid and biceps brachii, which can improve the muscle STRENGTH of the body's back.

Sitting rowing machine: it can exercise the muscles in the middle of the back, deepen the sulcus of the back and make the muscle lines of the back more obvious.

Gantry: Fitness equipment that can exercise all parts of the  body well, such as biceps brachii, triceps brachii and pectoral muscles.

Smith machine: From bending, bench pressing to hard pulling, from the second humerus to the fourth thigh and calf, one Smith can exercise all of them.

Abdominal curl machine: It is a basic exercise equipment, which can strengthen your serratus anterior muscle and make your abdominal muscles look more obvious.

Gym free strength fitness equipment

Arm plate: Arm plate is specially used for Barbell bending, to prevent the upper arm from moving and make the action standard,so as to increase the exercise effect of Barbell bending.

Dumbbell: an auxiliary equipment for WEIGHTLIFTING and fitness exercises. It is smaller than barbell and can be used for muscle strength training and muscle compound movement training.

Medicine ball: generally used for throwing training, or instead of dumbbells or barbells, mainly to exercise core strength and body coordination.

Kettle bell: You can do various exercises such as pushing, lifting, lifting, throwing and squatting to exercise your core strength and body coordination.

Load-bearing belt: The load-bearing belt can be a training belt for hanging barbell pieces or other load-bearing objects, which can increase resistance and load-bearing during parallel bars arm flexion and extension,pull-ups and short-distance load-bearing sprints.

Weight-bearing vest: The weight of weight-bearing vest is generally 1-18kg, which can be used in training actions such as unarmed training, running and pull-ups to increase the weight and resistance.

Wrist drum: it is an instrument mainly used to exercise the forearm muscles. During exercise, the user rotates the crossbar until dumbbell pieces or other weights reach the crossbar, and exercises the arm extensor and arm flexor respectively.

Other fitness equipment

Elastic belt/elastic rope: made of natural latex, it can effectively improve muscle strength, physical activity and flexibility, and effectively improve sports performance.

Foam shaft: it can eliminate muscle tension, strengthen the strength and flexibility of core muscles, and achieve the balance of exercise. It is an indispensable equipment in modern yoga practice.

Push-up stand: a sports tool for doing push-ups. By increasing the difficulty of movements and deepening the stimulation of chest muscles, we can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Abdominal wheel: It is used to exercise the fat of various parts of the body, such as abdomen, waist and buttocks, arms,etc. Because of the simple space needed for exercise, it is also convenient for home use.

Energy pack: it can exercise core muscles, balance and stability, core strength and burst, and its training methods are mostly hug, lift and back.

A complete collection of commonly used fitness equipment movements


Chest apparatus
Sitting chest pusher: sit on the stool with your legs apart, hold the handle of the instrument with both hands, keep your shoulders sinking and tighten your abdomen at the same time. Hold the handle horizontally with both hands, exhale when pushing the handle forward, and inhale when slowly restoring the handle.

Butterflies in the chest: Sit in the fixed chair, keep the upper body upright, chest out and abdomen in, and the forearm clings to the pad of the forearm resistance device, then exhale when both arms clamp the chest in the middle at the same time, try to make the two resistance devices close together, and then inhale slowly.

Back apparatus
Sitting rowing machine: put your feet on the platform or crossbar, with your knees slightly bent, your back and the V-shaped handle in a natural parallel position, then straighten your arms, grasp the front handle and pull back until you touch your abdomen.

T-bar rowing machine: Stand on the T-bar rowing machine with your feet apart, straighten your legs naturally, and hold the handle of the T-bar with your arms. Inhale, lift the "T" bar to the chest and abdomen, then exhale, and slowly lower the bar to restore.

Shoulder apparatus
Sitting posture shoulder pusher: Sit your back on the training stool, keep your chest, abdomen and shoulders down, push up the handle with the force of the deltoid muscle of the shoulder, and then slowly lower it to the arm parallel to the ground or slightly lower.

Shoulder leveler: face forward, chest out, spine naturally bent. Lift the upper arm horizontally outward, away from the midline of the human body. Keep doing it until the upper arm is parallel to the floor. Pause for a moment and return to the initial position.

Leg apparatus
Four-legged trainer: sit on the leg flexion and extension machine, with your back against the board, holding the handle with both hands, your knees drooping, and your feet hooked on the bar. Stretch your calf hard to lift the weight, stop for a while and slowly lower the weight.

Sitting leg bending trainer: sit on the leg bending machine, with both ankles hooked against the bar, back against the board, and hands holding the stool bar. The calf bends backward with force, stops for a moment when the biceps femoris is tightened, and then slowly returns upward.

Arm instrument
Two-headed bending trainer: put the back of the arm on the back board of the priest's stool and hold the handle with a reverse grip. Retract the biceps brachii and lift the handle. At the top position, the peak contracts for one second, and then slowly returns.

Arm-dragging bending and lifting trainer: put the upper arm on the flat plate and hold the handle well. Bend your elbow and pull your forearm to your upper arm. Shrink the top, and then slowly put it back to the starting position.

Lumbar and abdominal apparatus
Abdominal roll-up machine: the chest is pressed against the cushion, the waist is close to the back of the chair, the hands hold the handle backwards, exhale slowly, and the abdomen pushes down the weight. After the abdomen is tightened, the inhalation is slowly restored.

Roman chair: Lie prone on the Roman chair, with the heel fixed on the baffle, the hip on the support pad, the upper body kept straight and bent down by about 45 degrees, then stand up and restore with the strength of the back muscles, and repeat the exercise.

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