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How to practice arm muscles?

How to practice arm muscles? Learn about these methods.

The STRENGTH and definition of arm muscles can not only improve the appearance, but also help to enhance the STRENGTH and function of upper limbs. Here are some effective arm muscle exercises to help you achieve the ideal arm muscle development.

Arm muscles include upper arm muscles and forearm muscles, mainly including biceps brachii, triceps brachii, flexor forearm and extensor forearm. Through proper exercise program, you can enhance the strength and endurance of these muscles and shape strong and fit arm lines. The following are some common methods of arm muscle exercise for your reference.

First:exercise biceps brachii

1. Bending training: It is a common way to exercise biceps brachii by using dumbbells or Barbells. When standing or sitting down, your arms droop naturally, hold dumbbells or Barbells, bend your elbows and lift them up to the shoulder, then slowly put them down. Repeat multiple groups of actions.

2. Alternate bending: It is similar to bending training, but this time you bend one arm to lift the dumbbell, then put it down, and then switch to the other arm for action. Alternately perform multiple groups of exercises.

3. Narrow-distance barbell bending: Hold the barbell with the distance between hands slightly narrower than the shoulder width, bend the elbow to lift the barbell up to the shoulder, and then slowly put it down. This action mainly exercises the inner part of biceps brachii.

Second, exercise the triceps brachii

1. supine arm flexion and extension: lying on a flat stool or bedside, holding the edge of the stool or bedside with your hands and your legs straight. Force your hips off the stool or bed, then bend your elbows to lower your body, and finally push your body up to its original position. Repeat multiple groups of actions.

2. French barbell recommendation: Use barbell or EZ bar for recommendation practice. Hold the barbell with your hands slightly wider than your shoulders, bend your elbows forward, then push the barbell up until your arms are straight, and then slowly put it down. This action mainly exercises the triceps brachii.

Third, exercise forearm muscles

1. Backhand grip: Using the backhand grip for grip training can effectively exercise forearm muscles. Hold the backhand grip, straighten your arm hard and feel the tension of your forearm muscles. Keep it for a while and then relax and repeat it many times.

2. Wrist bending: When sitting on a stool or sitting posture, put your arms on your legs, palms up, and relax your wrists. Hold a dumbbell or barbell, bend your wrist up hard, and then slowly put it down. This action can exercise the forearm flexors.

3. Wrist extension: Contrary to wrist bending, this time, the wrist is extended downward and then slowly lowered. This action can exercise the forearm extensor.

Fourth, matters needing attention

1. Warm-up: Before doing arm muscle exercise, do proper warm-up exercises, such as jogging or skipping rope, to improve muscle temperature and blood circulation and reduce the risk of injury.

2. Gradually increase the load: In the training process, gradually increase the weight or difficulty to stimulate muscle growth. But make sure the load is moderate, and don't overload and cause injuries.

3. Correct posture: maintain correct posture and movement skills, and avoid using excessive inertial force or violent swinging.

4. Rest and recovery: Give muscles enough rest time to recover and grow. Take turns to exercise when training different muscle groups to fully recover.

V. Conclusion

Through the correct exercise methods and persistent training, you can enhance the strength and shape of your arm muscles. Remember, before starting a new exercise program, it is best to consult a fitness coach or doctor to ensure that the training method you choose is suitable for your physical condition and health goals. I wish you a happy exercise and achieve the ideal arm muscle effect!

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